Thursday, August 01, 2013

Help Huntington's Disease Queensland

I have become involved with Huntington's Disease Queensland and am trying to raise funds for this very worthy cause.

Huntington's Disease Awareness Week is to be held this year from September 2nd - 9th

My friend Jaime Colley ( who has Huntington's but no symptoms as yet, but whose mother at aged 50 cannot speak, walk or look after herself because she has Huntington's) and I are trying to raise funds to aid sufferer's, carers, and families of people with Huntington's.

We have planned a Sumptuous High Tea to be held at the Highfields Tavern, Toowoomba on Sunday September 8th from 2pm - 4 pm. To receive an invitation please contact me at, or Jaime Colley at

Tickets are $40 per head - scrumptious goodies, cakes, sandwiches, pastries, tea and coffee are supplied - there will be a lucky door prize, lots of great raffles, and fun auctions will be held too - come prepared to have a lot of laughs! Soft drinks and alcoholic drinks are available for sale at the bar too....

In order to help Jaime and I to pay for this High Tea - although we have been very fortunate to have some very generous people donate their goods and service, there are still some items we have to pay for - I have donated a beautiful crocheted throw rug - approximately a king single bed size - as part of a multi draw raffle -

Prizes in this raffle are:

 1st Prize- $350.00 package or 20% off wedding package gift certificate by Curless Photography  Toowoomba

2nd Prize- $250 Beautiful Blanket (Snuggle Throw) Lavender, Cream, Pale Green by Yvette O’Brien

3rd Prize- $50 gift card from Grand Central Shopping Centre, Toowoomba

Here is a picture of the blanket valued at $250

We are also in need of goods and services to raffle and auction at the High Tea - anything from a gift voucher for Coles to a discount off a Hot Air Balloon Flight ( we are always optimistic!) will be welcome - if you think you can help us, with anything at all, please email me on - I shall be donating quite a few hand made items too - my felted slippers for men and women are in great demand - so there will a couple of pairs of those for sure - maybe even another gorgeous blanket, and a sweater or shawl.......

More on this later....

And the Winner Is!

The Winner of the Raffled Wool Eater Blanket, held in July  was......drrrrum roll!!!!!!!!


Congratulations Valerie!'
Thank you to all the lovely people who bought tickets - we raised $234 towards help and support for Sufferers and Families of Huntington's Disease in Queensland.......

Been A Very Busy Knitter and Crocheter !!!

This is my new favourite baby sweater pattern!
Saffron Baby by Elena Nodel - available for sale on Ravelry

Just so cute - seamless because top down - a cheeky little ruflle and one button closure - or you could use ribbon ties...

Isn't it just adorable???

 This little beauty is Meadowsweet - a free pattern on Ravelry - also top down - this is such a quick little sweater and very satisfying!! No seams at all if  you do the sleeves on dpns or two circulars or you could use Magic Loop although I am not a fan of this method for some reason...

To learn how to do small circumferences on two circulars go to  and click on Advanced Techniques to watch a video - this is how I learned - this site is fantastic for learning different techniques - I can highly recommend it and I do - often!
Another Baby Kina - with Moda Vera Jazz trim around the bottom (pattern available for sale on Ravelry)
  and sweet little hat ( my design ) to match and oh joy, I made little booties to match too!
 Aren't they cute? I made these for my friend Rana's new baby girl, Abigail Grace

Here's the full set - looking oh so delectable - like strawberry ice cream......

 And an old favourite - the Ribbed Yoke Baby Sweater

 Gorgeous little booties - Crochet Mary Janes - pattern also available on Ravelry - Mary Jane Booties by Caroline Christmas - from a book of crochet booties from Annie's Attic -  Annie's Attic #8740501, Precious Baby Booties
 Another standby favourite of mine - the Garter Yoke Cardi - free on Ravelry and top down, therefore seamless! - sleeves done on two circulars or dpns.

A few more Teddies for outback aboriginal kids - I make little sweaters in indigenous colours  which are well loved - the teddies go to little kids who are being taken into care for whatever reason....

The kind people of Toowoomba rallied round and donated the teddies - which I washed and sanitised before dressing them..... Aren't they adorable? I think this makes about 50 I've dressed so far - I lost count - but I have about 20 something still to go...I just had to have a rest from all that red, yellow and black......

 This blanket is  Baby's Quick Ripple which I made to fit a king single bed - or to use as a snuggle throw - it is part of a multi draw raffle to raise funds for Huntington's Disease Queensland.

Tickets are $2.00 each!!! The three prizes are: $350 Photographic bundle from Curless Photography, Toowoomba, the blanket pictured here, and a $50 voucher from Grand Central Shopping Centre, Toowoomba.

The raffle will be drawn 31st August - proceeds will go towards another Fund Raiser - a Sumptuous High Tea at Highfields Tavern, Toowoomba,  on September 8th - between 2- 4 pm - but more on this later!
 The three child's sweaters pictured here are based on a pattern called Texo Pullover - available for sale on Ravelry USD $5.00

The original pattern has a kangaroo pouch pocket which I left off because I needed to make just plain and simple pullovers for aboriginal children in outback areas. This pattern is great - it is top down and seamless and comes in several sizes - can also be made bigger by changing to a chunkier yarn and bigger needles.....

 Looks good in boy colours - I made boy sweaters because the demand was greater for boys in this size - 4- 6 years old

Next time I shall make it for girls - and might even make it with the kangaroo pouch pocket, too!! You never know......


And I made these fingerless gloves as a gift to raise funds for the Toowoomba Scouts

More to come - lots of pics to upload yet!