Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Invented bonnet

This little bonnet turned out beautifully - I started at bonnet edge - cast on about 45 stitches - knitted in pattern for as long as I thought the crown should be - then cast off a third of the stitches on the next two rows. Continued in garter stitch on the remaining centre stitches until it was as long as the cast off/bound off edge - then cast off/bound off, sewed up the two side seams, then picked up along the new bottom edge - every ridge only (ie every other row) - and knitted a garter stitch border with an eyelet row for a crochet cord tie to be threaded through. Voila!! I will post the back view on another entry - haven't worked out how to do more than one pic at a time yet!! Posted by Picasa

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