Monday, November 14, 2005

Saturday 12th Nov on Brisbane River

This is one of the Brisbane "City Cats' that Ferry people up and down the Brisbane River for very little charge. They are very fast - we did the journey from Hamilton to Southbank in about 20 minutes.

We took the granddaughters, Sam and Caitlin to Southbank for the day - we went to the man made beach and took a picnic - it was the best day!

This is me in a strong breeze on the City Cat. Not the best looking dame on the boat but I was comfy. Hair tucked out of sight under the hat!

Sam and Fuzzy had a "new" dress each! Thrifty grandma found them iin a thrift shop - $3.00 each - whoo hoo bargain!

The river trip is so cool - and very cheap - Eric and I have pensioner concessions, and the girls went on children's concessions - the whole round trip cost us only $7.50 about $5.30 USD!!

There have been loads of building developments along the shores of the Brisbane River in the last three decades. Very attractive private housing, and condominiums. Some god awful high rise too.

This is the city skyline - on the right , framed by the old Story Bridge.

This is the Riverside Centre - lots of office buildings, expensive restaurants and shops.

They have great markets here every Sunday, all day. Everything from leather work, and all sorts of crafts - historical photographic reproductions of old pictures of Brisbane in days gone by, handprinted fabrics, hand made furniture, paintings by local artists, toys, gifts, hand made candles, scented oils, all the usual stuff! Great food stalls too!

Notice the reproductions of old Mississippi Paddle Boats? These are great floating restaurants!

Next time - some info about Southbank!!

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