Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas at Simone's

A very hot Christmas Day in Toowoomba - all the fans going at once!!

Up very early - the family next door was up at daybreak - no more sleep for us either!

Tom - the light of my life, my grandson aged 6 had to be dragged out of bed 7.45 am - had a late bedtime the night before - but he soon woke up when he saw all the presents under the tree - the scream of delight as he ran into the room was deafening!!

It has been more than six months since we have seen our Tom - how he has grown - being at school has made a difference to him - such a little man now!

Three happy faces - Tom and his Grandma and Grandpa - so happy to be together after 7 whole months apart!!

I am not looking my best - a nasty cold on the chest making me feel and look an old bag!

But so lovely to hear that best of all sounds "Grandmaaaa!!!" and a big big bear hug!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, cute pictures Yvette! He looks so happy!
