Saturday, September 16, 2006

Knit and Natter Club

Since June I have been trying to get a Knitting Club underway here on the RedcliffePeninsula.So far I have one lady from Kippa Ring, Jean, and the rest is made up from ladies from Knitting for Brisbane's Needy. We meet every two weeks at my house, and do a lot of nattering and very little knitting!! We laugh a LOT!! I live right on the seashore at Scarborough, with a beautiful park opposite, and we have plans to sit over there one day and knit, drink coffee, eat cake and natter - but - so far the weather has never been kind enough to allow us to do this!! Mind you we did start in our Queensland winter, which is never terribly cold, but there have been chilly winds and it was a bit too cool for sitting!

From left to right, Jean, Rachel, Me, Karen and Cathy. I will get some more recent pictures of more of us - the last time we had about a dozen of us and I forgot to take any pics!! Duh!!

The next Knit and Natter Session is on Friday September 22nd. We start about 10 am and continue till about 2pm or later. I really must stir my stumps and start advertising, there must be more people on the Peninsula who like to knit and natter.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 am

    Oh what fun!!! It looks like a LOVELY group! Hope it grows to JUST the RIGHT SIZE!!! :o)
