Friday, December 29, 2006

Biscuits and Bones Dog Coat Finished!

Well that didn't take long!! Once I had worked out the pattern directions - which were written in a weird way IMHO, it only took about 10 hours to make. My hand is sticking out of what will be the turtle neck, and the little cuff showing is a leg hole!

The pattern was a Patons one for Canadiana/Classic Wool/Decor; but there were four sections or panels of pattern block, and you had to do 1st row of panel one, followed by first row of panel 2, etc etc all on one row - as well as keep referring back to a gazillion types of cable abbreviations. So I rewrote and test knit the whole thing so that it is so much easier to understand and follow - I do not need to have to keep chasing backwards and forwards over a page like that to find the directions. Now that I have done this one - I shall be able to repeat these in my sleep - and it comes in four sizes which is very handy!!

It is so cute - biscuits and bones is the right name for it!!

So what is next on the to do list, dear reader, you ask ?? Well it is the Blue Hearts Afghan from the Country Heritage patterns which I promised dear Sandee in Atlanta GA almost two years ago!!! Plus I foolishly promised one to her brother Marvin, in his school colours - Georgia Tech - with logo!!! *SIGH*

For once I have nothing else demanding my time (knitting wise that is) so Sandee dear - yours is about to be started at long last! It is crochet this time - a nice change!! Wonder if it will be the original pattern that she ends up with LOL??? I never seem to leave a pattern alone, without tweaking it here and there!.


  1. Oh my Goodness! That is one FABULOUS little doggie sweater! I would so love to try making one for our Penni!!! She's a Rat Terrier and has to wear a sweater for her morning walks! The pattern looks and sounds so intimidating. Maybe I should hunt for something more simple :o)

    Beautiful job. Just Beautiful.

  2. Hello,

    I LOVE this little doggie sweater! My grandmother is looking for a nice project to do...and I thought she could make this sweater for my Jack Russell and my Pitbull (a BIG version of it!).

    Anyway, I tried registering to Paton's and I still can't seem to get the pattern.

    Could you perhaps email me your revised pattern? Thanks!


  3. I would love the pattern for the Whippet dog coat.

    Please email

  4. the best looking doggie sweater that I`ve seen so far...
    been searching for soooo long....
    can the pattern be e-mailed to me?
    I have a mini dashund...

  5. You did a beautiful job on the "biscuits and bones" dog coat. I too am attempting to decipher the pattern. Would it be possible to get your revised pattern. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks! Sandy

  6. You did such a beautiful job on this sweater. I have tried to work with this pattern twice and have been unsuccessful. Would you be willing to share your revised version with me?

    Thank you,

  7. I too have a grand-dog RT named Toby who spent many months with my daughter and son-in-law in sunny San Diego (he's in the Navy) and now is with us in the colder Northwest. He'll be needing a nice warm sweater for our daily walks. This one looks great! Would love having a copy of your revised pattern if possible. Thanks so much!


  8. beautiful job on the "biscuits and bones" dog coat. I too am attempting to decipher the pattern. Would it be possible to get your revised pattern. I would greatly appreciate it.

  9. Greetings from Canada
    Bautiful Job!!!
    I too am attempting to decipher the pattern. Would it be possible to get your revised pattern. I would greatly appreciate it.

  10. Hi! Great job on the doggie sweater! I am making one for my dachshund and am just getting to the "armhole" part. The instructions have me confused. I would be so grateful if you could share your revised pattern with me! Thank you so much.

  11. Marcy I would love to send it to you - if you could send me your email address??? You have an anonymous profile so I can't help you out !!



  12. Anonymous9:11 am

    Beautiful sweater! I just downloaded this pattern yesterday and I too am intimidated by the pattern. Would it be possible for you to email your revised pattern to me as well. My little yorkie and I would be so grateful! :o)


  13. Biscuits and bones was abosolutely gorgeous, the color is smashing! I was looking at that pattern yesturday, thinking "I wonder if I can convert it to crochet...". If you wouldn't mind, may I have a copy of your revised pattern?

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. WOW... I thought I was not reading the pattern properly!!!!
    I have tried 4 times to knit this, and each time I have gne dreadfully wrong.
    Could you please, please post me a copy of your simplified version of the pattern, It is my only hope.
    Keep up the stunning work.
    Julie Crosby

  16. I've been trying to do this one as well, and I'm doing so-so, just getting stuck a lot!!

    Did anyone successfully receive the rewritten instructions? I would SO love to be able to finish this sweater and make another!!


  17. Your sweater is just beautiful. I'm looking for something for my friend's new 3 pound Yorkie. We would really appreciate it if you could forward the pattern.

    Thank you.

  18. Hello SEE

    I would love to send you the revised pattern - but I don't have your email address - please let me have it and the revised pattern is yours!

  19. Hi!

    I was so frustrated with Paton's site and wanted to download this pattern because I can't find my original copy. I thought it was me and I too tried it several times and it is very confusing. Came across your blog about this sweater and see that you have revised the pattern. Would you still be willing to share it?

    My email is

    I would so appreciate it as having seen yours has motivated me even more!

  20. Good afternoon, it is very beautiful! The reconsidered pattern is possible to me too, and excuse for my English

  21. k3n I would love to send you the revised pattern - please let me have your email address? As soon as you contact me with an address to send it to - it is yours!

  22. Anonymous6:36 am

    Hello- Love the doggie sweater! I am in the process of making the same one and am a bit confused by the pattern. Would you be willing to send me your revised copy? My email address is


  23. Hello We have been searching for a pattern for my Whippet Zest yours is perfect! Could you would you send us the Pattern? My knitting friend is Penny at
    I'm Andrea ar
    Thank you!

  24. Hello! I am currently struggling...umm, no I am actually ready to ditch this adorable Biscuits and Bones sweater because Pattons did such a confusing job of writing out the pattern! I was looking for help when I came across your finished sweater! I was impressed and noticed you rewrote the pattern so that it actually makes sense! I was wondering, I realize it was back in 2006 but if you still have the rewritten pattern, can you send it to me at I would appreciate it so much-this silly sweater is a gift for my mother in law's dog and I know she would love it! Thank you so much!


    1. Did you ever receive the revised pattern? I know it has been a while ago, but I would like to get a copy, Thanks!

  25. Anonymous5:37 am

    I have been looking for a coat pattern for my daughters 'new baby', a yorkshire terrier. This revised pattern for the cable sweater seems so popular,I would love to make this for him for Xmas.
    I would enjoy making it and my daughter would love it. Would you kindly email me this pattern? My thanks in advance...

  26. I have been trying to figure out this pattern too. I'm not sure I understand some of the abbreviations they are using either. Could you send me your revised pattern? I would be so greatful!!

  27. CR I would love to send you the pattern - but you didn't leave an email address! contact me and include your email address and it's yours.


  28. Sorry!

  29. Yvette, I still have not received your directions for the biscuits and bones dog coat. My email is Thanks so much for sharing! Yours looks beautiful and I can't wait to make one!

  30. Anonymous12:06 pm

    You really did do a beautiful job on this sweater. I too would like your revised pattern if that is possible.
    my email is:

    Thank You for posting this fabulous sweater!

  31. Hi Anonymous - sending you the pattern today 5th Sept 09

    I'd love to hear from you if you get it

  32. I know this is 2011 October - but is it still possible to get your re-written pattern?

    Vancouver BC Canada

  33. I know this is October, 2011 - but is it still possible to get your re-written pattern. I am trying, and wonder if there is a mistake in Paton's version.

  34. Hello from Canada
    I have been trying to knit this beautiful little sweater and I have come to a stand still. It is so frustrating. Would you send me a copy of your version? I would appreciate it so much.
    My email is

  35. Yvette, I'm in the same boat as apparently everyone. I'm not a very experienced knitter, but I really want to make this pattern for my pup. I've had it for a couple of days, but am completely lost.
    I know your blog post is quite a few years from today, but I am hoping you might still have the revised pattern you made.
    I would so appreciate it.

    My email is

  36. Any chance of getting the revised pattern for this...I am tired of ripping out and trying again lol pleaee help. Email is thanks

  37. Any chance of getting the revised pattern for this...I am tired of ripping out and trying again lol pleaee help. Email is thanks

  38. I would love to have a copy of the revised pattern for Biscuits and Bones Dog Coat. I agree that the original is confusing. I have two Yorkies and would love to make this sweater for them. I have trouble enough following patterns (I'm relatively new to knitting) so your re-write will be most appreciated. Thanks - in advance. Cathy (

  39. I would love to have the revised pattern if someone could send it. Thank you!
