Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Second Knitting Tote

Here is another knitting tote - slightly different this time. The yarn is Caron Simply Soft in "Embroidery" knitted together with a strand of plain scarlet yarn (unknown). The top is in an anonymous yarn but it could be Panda Magnum in a deep teal blue. The buttons I found in my old button box, these belonged to my late dear sister and are hexagonal in shape, with a sort of lacy metal front with a mirror backing. I think the design on the button is Scarlet Pimpernel which seemed appropriate.
I used moss stitch at the top and sides - cables were interspersed with purl panels.

The colour in the pictures isn't quite correct - it is more of a deep red, like a stained glass window.

I must try to get hold of some more of this yarn!! And it isn't available in Australia!!

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