Sunday, March 04, 2007

After a long break.............I finished it!!

Here it is - the finished Hearts Afghan!!!This nearly broke my heart I tell you - not that it was difficult to do - but lining it up exactly row by row and stitch by stitch was tedious in the extreme. I used a bulky w.w acrylic - but I think I could have used a larger hook to make it drape more. However, I finally undid the sewn seams and crocheted the pieces together instead - voila!! Much easier!! The pattern itself, of its nature tends to make the blanket "bubble" where the heart pattern is. But a wash in shampoo and a rinse in hair conditioner, plus a tumble in the dryer made it really soft and drape-y. I also gently steamed it over a damp cloth (the iron held over the blanket, not touching it) and this flattened out the bubbles. It could be because I tend to do double crochet (single crochet to my American friends) a bit tighter than treble (double USA) which could explain why the treble bubbled up.

And for good measure , I made a cushion cover to match!!

It measures 16" x 12" so is plenty big enough for an average cushion pad insert.

This is for my dear friend Sandee in Atlanta Ga.

I promised her this afghan more than two years ago - so sorry Sandee dear. But it is at last finished and will be posted to you on Wednesday morning, Oz time.

Next one is a knee rug for Sandee's brother Marvin and another blanket for Diane (aka ladydi1943) in Michigan!

Thank goodness it is finished though!! And such a lot of my stash used up - yaaay!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yvette, I have been wondering where you were - not being idle obviously ! Great to see the finished heart afghan, it was well worth waiting for, your 'little people'clothes are just amazing! Unfortunately I haven't been as productive as you, will have to try to catch up . . .
