Sunday, March 04, 2007

Another SOS

Received another SOS , this time from a local lass Theresa who is having a baby in a few weeks and she and her husband are doing it tough. A few good friends rallied round, thank you to Dawn, her grand daughterTracy, her daughters, Michelle and Rosaleigh, for a stroller, cot, change table-cum-bath, and a suitcase full of clothes,to Pam who delivered a huge amount of clothes, toys, a walker, a jolly Jumper, even some creams and lotions etc. And to Alex who gave me some beautiful baby blankets the other day.What generous people there are in this world.

Here are a couple of things I made for Theresa:
For those of you who belong to the Babysweaters group on Yahoo, this will be a familiar pattern, Suzanne's Matinee Jacket - for once not embellished or otherwise "mucked about with" LOL!! by me!!
Made in Pale Pink and Cream Angoretta - it reminds me of Strawberry and Vanilla IceCream.
The little hand buttons are from Dave in Florida - daverun on ebay.

The pretty little white set is also familiar to Babysweaters members - the Little Lamb from Leisure Arts #3202 Precious Layettes for Baby

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