Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Knitting!

This is my first Tomten Sweater!! I have been "chickening" out of making this for years - so took the plunge when a knitting group I belong to that specialises in Elizabeth Zimmermann patterns, did a Knitalong - it was really easy - although I had a hard time when it came to the armholes - I found out I was making it so much harder than it really was - I had mis-interpreted the Knitalong instructions!!!! After a visit to the Frog Pond, I could have smacked myself "upside the head" !!!!! It really is easy to do and the beauty of it is that it can be adapted for an adult or child of any size!!! The pattern is available from Schoolhouse Press on its own - and it is in Knitting Workshop by Elizabeth Zimmermann.

I really recommend it!

I made this little set because I was given (well I unashamedly asked for it really LOL!) a skein of anonymous acrylic in red with a tiny blue fleck in it - the yarn was scratchy and hard - but such a pretty colour - so when I had finished the jacket I washed it in shampoo and rinsed it in conditioner and then chucked it in the dryer for about 15 minutes - the result????? Soft as soft can be!!!!! The jacket is my Tiny Version of EZ's Baby Surprise Jacket, and the leggings are a free pattern from Red Heart yarns (Coates and Clarke) - Happy Baby Pattern. The hat is also a freebie from the internet - so just Google "Rolled Brim Baby Hat" (The train buttons are from Dave Rundle on ebay "daverun" is his id)

What else have I made in the last couple of weeks? Oh, yes - this gorgeous little Candy Stripe set

It is a Stylecraft or Knitters Choice leaflet - it is knit from one cuff across to the other - it buttons up the back too!

I took this to the l ast Knit and Natter at my friend Dawn Pee's house - she seized it immediately for her grandson William!!!!!! AND the pattern too!!!!! Feisty lady - who could say no to her?? Certainly not this gal!

Then I made this little top down raglan pattern that I have had on my to do list forever - I found three 50 gram balls of a lovely soft wool/mohair boucle yarn that was just right for this pattern. The tammy is from another Stylecraft or Knitters Choice leaflet.

And a lovely little toddlers sweater in Pound of Love - another freebie pattern - I haven't sewn it up yet - oh, I HATE sewing up!!! But it is pretty - destined for my friend Lisa in Canada.
I also started a cuddle blanket for a friend of mine - Diane in Michigan. We have been internet friends since 2001 - Di's favourite colours are Christmas Green and Christmas Red - so this is being made in good old soft and cuddly Capricorn Red on BIG needles - with some Caron simply Soft in Emerald Green that another friend, Marguerite in Long Island NY sent to me a few years back!
I have some other items too - which I made over Easter and this last week or so. But more of these later........


  1. As always beautiful knitting love! Was wondering where you've been...pretty pretty things!

  2. I love knitting baby clothes, yours look wonderful!

  3. My My, you have been busy, both in the knitting and posting area. The last time I looked, only 2 days ago, you still only had the post about your poor kitties up, now I've just spend nearly 10 minutes reading and admiring. Such lovely garments, and I love them all. I especially love that white jacket and beret. Well done my internet friend.

  4. Gidday Yvette;
    Rob here.
    Congrats on your blog and the success of the Knitting for the needy day.
    My Mum's been a knitter (in NZ)for 70 odd years and knitting helped her raise the money needed to bring up 5 children on her own during very tough times.
    Winter days would have cut a lot deeper without the jumpers she knitted for her kids and, somehow, for other needy kids.
    Anyway....keep up the good work.
    Rob P.

  5. Can anyone find the Rindy's patterns. I have seend her album on the internet and the patterns are lovely, but can't find them anywhere. Please help.

  6. Leann if you contact me again and leave your email address I can help you with the pattern details.

    It is Rindy's Raglan you are looking for ?



  7. Hello Yvette, I've been enjoying your beautiful baby things and your blog for the last half hour!
    I Googled "caron simply soft knit baby hat pattern," and there you were on page 2. I've just started knitting again after 40 years - a grandson is due any day, and a grandbaby is due in February. :)
    I have the EZ pattern staring at me from the couch, but haven't tried it yet. What is your "Tiny Version" of the EZ pattern? I will visit again.
    Carol, Payson, Arizona

  8. Ok, I am convince you do not sleep, or at the very least have little knitting elves help you. WOW you are amazing with all these little sweaters you have made. I am honing my skills and hope to be able to do even half of what you are able to do with those knitting needles.

