Thursday, May 03, 2007

Another Beanie Blitz

More beanies made this weekend - for Knitting For Brisbane's Needy - a great Yahoo group I belong to, that knits (and crochets) for homeless and needy people.
Mind you - we are getting alot of requests for knitted items from a lot farther afield than just Brisbane now - and our members are from all over Australia, in U.K. and U.S.A.
We make what we want, when we want - but just occasionally, we have a blitz for items badly needed - in this case beanies - but there is a big demand for gloves, scarves, and rugs. We are also needing baby booties too.
If you can help and want to join, go here:
We have only been in existence for 15 months - but already we have made more than 1100 items for needy people in that time!

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