Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Nodding Violet after the Rain

This is Violet after the rain - isn't she beautiful??

And this is outside in the middle of winter folks!

And this is Grandma's Knitting Place ! One of them anyway - this is our back deck. On the table is Violet being given some TLC some weeks back now. Hasn't she improved??
The towels are the dogs' - I didn't notice the raggy old things on the line when I took the pic!!


  1. Lovely violets, I didn't even notice the wash on the line until you mentioned it.
    I enjoy knitting outside also, but it is usually to hot and sticky here.

  2. hi yvette!
    i love your "knitting place"!! very similar to mine! we're in a really hot/humid spell right now. i hadn't visited you for a while & love everything you've done! you are quite the knitter! and the story of the 'Needy in Brisbane' was so moving!! that was just wonderful that you ladies were able to help that many people! keep up the great work! TTYL...
    linda in IOWA(USA)

  3. your flowers are so pretty I love plants almost as much as I love crochet and knitting???? http://crochetoholic.blogspot.com
