Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Making Friends with a Duck

There I was sitting on the banks of the Baroon Pocket Dam, near Montville - nursing a sore foot, when I made a little friend. He was very interested but a little shy.

A little black duck showed great interest in me and my knitting - and possibly my sandwiches?

He came closer for a look - keeping a wary eye on me - but not too scared.

I kept very still - and waited............

He took a little bite of sandwich - but, "naaaaah, think I'll go and see what Mum's got for tea!"

Such a peaceful place - a lovely spring day; birds nesting and flying about and singing; no sounds except the lapping water, the birds, and the breeze in the new leaves on the trees.....

I heard a noise behind me...............

A cheeky Butcher bird checkingout what I had for lunch, too!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should go into the catering business......catering to birds. hehe
    Such traquil surrounding and such lovely weather, what more could you want. Ideal.
