Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Two more blankets finished

This is for my friend Di in Michigan - made in her favourite colours, christmas Red and Christmas Green.

On its way to her as we speak!

This has been promised to Di for a long time - *sigh* - life, and other knitting does get in the way some times!

The lavender and pale green and blue blanket is for Marlene in Bendigo - another friend I have never met before.

I was showing off this blanket at the Caboolture Library - Knitting for Brisbane's Needy have been meeting up there, teaching ladies to knit and just doing a Knitting Awareness program - and another lady was so taken with it that she asked me to make her one too! This next one won't be exactly the same as Marlene's, because I hate doing the same thing twice, but it will be in the same colours. But this second one will be a paid project - whoo hoo!


  1. You are one amazing lady! Knitting these glorious ghans for friends you have never even met! I applaud your love and kidness! You certainly are one special gal! The hours and hours you devote to giving a friend some joy is so inspiring!

  2. Those blankets are GORGEOUS!!! absolutely beautiful!
