Saturday, December 15, 2007

My front garden

Are you sick of my tree pictures yet? I had to show you this gorgeous close up of the blossom on our poinciana tree - that wonderful single petal that is pale pink striped with red amazes me! And the colour is absolutely true to life - what a gorgeous tree!

We get a lot of interstate and overseas tourists taking pictures of this tree - and I don't blame them either! Look at the glorious carpet of fallen petals on the grass!

Another lovely flowering shrub is our bougainvillea - it is a cultivar, with variegated leaves, and bright pink bracts, appropriately called "Raspberry Ice"

The little green tree to the left is a Schotia - which has bright red blossoms that the parrots love - they actually get intoxicated on it!! It is too small to flower yet - but just wait ! To the right is a branch of the Poinciana showing its red blossoms - see how its feathery leaves close up when sunset is near?

And this little fellow likes our front garden too - he is a lovely little bearded dragon - he is as big as a small cat - perfectly harmless but keeps the flies and insects away.


  1. Beautiful Garden Yvette.. What fantastic Colors...
    I LOVE Mr. Dragon!!!!
    Your Blanket is Wonderful.. Thats a BIG Project to finish!!!

  2. What amazing plants. Our garden is a winter wasteland now. I love the dragon too. Happy WW

  3. I have seen those on vacation -- and didn't know what they were. Yours looks awesome, and I can see why they take those pictures.

  4. I love seeing flowers this time of year. It's soooo cold now. Beautiful pics! :-0

    My Wordless Wednesday #3

  5. That there's an amazing tree! Very vibrant and beautiful, thanks for the show! Happy WW
