Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby Albert Finished and Another on the Needles!

This is a much more accurate representation of the colour!

Not sure about these buttons but they are rather nice - the only ones that "went" IMHO

Found some of the most gorgeous 4 ply angora like yarn so did a double crochet (single to my American friends) edging all round and on the cuffs.

I've already cast on the next Baby Albert - this time I plan on straight sleeves, done on two circulars - no seams at all!

This one is blue and yellow Bluebell by Patons, on 3.75 mm needles.

Just lately I am enjoying using finer yarn and finer needles for a change!

Quite ingenious how the fronts and back are picked up along the bottom of the sweater, and then the sleeves picked up along the edges of the fronts and backs. That's why I don't understand the need for a sleeve seam (?) I usually do what the pattern says the first time though - my mind makes adjustments and modifications as I knit, so that next time I can do it my way !! Is that normal - or should I change my blog title to 'The Arrogant Knitter'??


  1. It's normal for me!! Certainly not arrogant.

  2. Anonymous12:16 pm

    That's why I love your blog so much. It is because your are a genious.

    I always need a pattern. I am not as clever.

  3. Baby Albert looks Great Yvette..
    No.. I did not put that seam in mine.. I knit the sleeves around... I hate seams !!!
    Guess You could Call me..
    The Seamless Knitter :)

    XX Penny

  4. Thanks Penny - yes, me too - I loathe sewing up!

    The second one came out much better - I didn't do that decrease either and IMHO it is a definite improvement!

