Thursday, January 31, 2008

Look At This!!

Fantastic Knitters' Tote Bag designed by a friend of mine here in OZ - take a look at this! The Knit and Natter Bag

Front view, showing knitting needle pockets both sides, tape measure and sewing needle pockets, also showing separate holders for sicssors and needles.

This is the back view, showing glasses pocket, and pattern pocket.

From top, showing closed loom pocket space for yarn, and accessories pocket on other side.

Close up of Scissor pocket on left, pen pocket and notebook pocket

Close up of Loom pocket - opened.

This view shows depth of the bag from side to side.

This is a fantastic design - don't you think?

I want one!! Do you?

Well watch this space because I can't tell you where to get one - yet!! But soon!!

Oh, the suspense!


  1. what a nice job she's done!

  2. Wow! That's awesome!

  3. Anonymous3:39 pm

    I finally finished mine but had a lot of difficulty interpereting the pattern! I'm not a quilter either so the bottom binding was "interesting" to do. I mis-interpereted some of the instructions and ended up with an extra pocket on the inside - well, will be handy anyway! I'm going to make another one with somewhere to put my cables and stitch holders and a phone pocket on the side :-) One tip - denim was probably not a good choice - too heavy!
