Saturday, October 03, 2009

Check out this Video!

A friend saw me today, on a program on national Australian TV called Stateline, and wrote to tell me. Thanks, Bunty!

Well it was true enough - it was recorded over two years ago and I had forgotten about it - and I had never seen it! I am the one in the bright pink blouse and glasses - who gets called by the wrong name. Story of my life - my "15 minutes of fame" and get called the wrong name!

It was for a girl called Samantha who started a business on a government grant called Biddy Bags. Little did I realize at the time that the term "Biddy" referred to me and the other ladies, as in "Old Biddies" ! What a cheek! LOL!

But hey I was given the yarn (organic cotton from Lion Brand) and paid to make some dishcloths so who's complaining! I never got to make any of the bags though.

Just one of life's experiences!


  1. I seen it but which one was you? I got you on our Busyknitting list and watched it.
    Elsie <><

  2. Thanks for sharing that Yvette. It was very interesting.

  3. Soooooooooooo "Monica"....great to hear your voice..and it was a nice story in spite of your getting a new name. Thanks for letting us hear you!

    also great to see you posting again!

  4. Anonymous7:48 am

    Incognito... I love the bags but they are a bit pricey.

  5. I can't believe they gave me someone else's name! I am the one in the pink blouse and glasses - sitting apart from the others - I get to talk a bit later on LOL!

  6. Great fun. And, wow, the crocheting is dones so fast!

  7. Ivette,I'm so sad....I can't see the video¿¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡.

  8. How lovely they are! If they were offered in LA everyone would make a mint but here... You have such marvelous skills. I wish women's craft work was more valued. I can sell a drawing for $100 so why not crochet. (I actually don't crochet, only knit)
    BTW I don't like the idea of people calling other people biddies without their approval. Seems rude to me even though well meant.

  9. Happy New Year my pet
    was looking for a pattern for a plum pud tea cosie the other day - couldn't find one of course - but what did pop up was a pic of a crochet one made/sold by Biddy Bags ... which of course made me think of your own sweet self and the fact that I haven't written for a while. So here I am [[ waves from down south ]]

  10. Om Momma Vet.... I was looking for a BLOG that has some AWESOME pictures ...your slacking lol.... How are you have not herd from you in a while??? I am snowed in .... and have a sick 1 year old.... joy me. I miss talking to my other mother in OZ :)

  11. Let me know if you want me to make you yor ouwn player this week for on here :)

  12. What a great video! Lovely blog, too. Saw your post on EZ Fans...

  13. Anonymous9:57 am

    WOW! You're famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Thanks for nice comments - I promise to add some more entries to my blog asap - I have been so slack!!

    Did you noticed the name they gave me was "Monica Hole" though - imagine!
