Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas over for another year!

Here is the tree - I have been crocheting lots of snowflakes and also covering silver ornaments with white crochet  - this picture was taken immediately after the tree went up - but in the few days before Christmas I crocheted more covered ornaments!

I bought some more little spun glass ornaments too - this is a reindeer next to a crocheted snowflake.

we spent the day at my daughter's house - just the four of us, DH and me, and Simone and her partner Rick. We had very simple, good food, turkey, pork, ham, boiled potatoes in butter and parsley, a delicious mango salad with pecans, and a lovely cabbage salad with crispy noodles that my daughter makes so yummy.....the table looked gorgeous...

this is turkey and pork on the plate, with the stuffing from the turkey. I supplied the turkey - the stuffing was wonderful - a chopped mango, mixed with chopped green onon, red capsicum (bell pepper), chopped cashew nuts and some brown sugar - oh it was delicious!

One of my crochet covered ornaments.

We had prawns - outside because Simone loathes them - she sat as far away as possible while Eric, Rick and I devoured them......oh so yummy! Simone you don't know what you are missing!

My gorgeous daughter Simone, looking cool and collected, even after all the preparations for Christmas

And my lovely Rick, Simone's partner - a truly nice man.... 

Notice it was hot and sunny - an Aussie Christmas indeed....

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