Friday, September 22, 2017

I'm back!

Four years since I've been here. Lots of changes in my life. My darling husband Eric died last year , 26th September 2016. My ex husband also died in March of 2016. My two children had a terrible time because they lost two fathers within 6 months of each other.

I've lost several friends too - altogether 2016/17 has not been a great year, although I am coming to terms with the loss of Eric.

I am back at work - a long story - two days before my 70th birthday in 2015, I was offered a job!  I work for a dear friend of 40 plus years, he is a veterinarian. When Eric became sick, I stopped working to look after him. After he died, I had a couple of months off, then returned to work this year in March.  I am glad I did because it has helped greatly with the grieving process, being busy as stopped me feeling so sad...  However, I only work three days per week - I found five days was just too tiring - I have to make allowances for myself, I am not getting any younger.

Our lovely Tonkinese cat, Dusty, was stolen in June 2014, and we were given another little cat, a tabby called Pie. Then in May 2015, I acquired a lovely little cat, all white, long hair, with a blue eye and a brown eye, his name is Arnie. These two cats are the loves of my life and have helped me get out of bed in the mornings after Eric died.


  1. Welcome back Yvette - hopefully things will only improve from now on.

  2. Welcome back. I also lost my husband last year March 16, 2016. Our anniversary is September 29th. I am glad you have your kitties. I have my Jamaica Kitty who will be 12 next month. Glad you are back.

  3. Good to have you back look forward to following your blog. xox

  4. Sorry guys - life has a way of throwing unexpected things at you. It is now February 2019 and I still have to catch up with my blog!

  5. Dear Yvette,

    Just discovered you on Ravelry, and wonder how you are doing, especially with all the fires this year. I live in central California, and was only mildly affected by the nearby fires in Northern California. My son is a wildland firefighter, recently assigned to a station to safeguard several towns, so he's not as involved in the forest fires or he might have been sent to Australia to help out.

    I hope you are doing OK, and will come back to your blog whenever you feel ready. You've been through quite an emotionally challenging time the last few years. The seventies can be difficult as we lose more companions and friends. Wishing you good health in 2020, peace, comfort, and much knitting joy!

    Sending hugs and love,
    Karen (Monminou on Rav; klandrews99 at gmail dot com

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