Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Finished set for Vanessa's Baby

Finally finished it!
This little set is adapted from several patterns - the jacket from Precious Layettes booklet #3202 - the pants from a free leaflet Happy Baby - the booties from a free internet pattern - the bonnet an adaptation of the Precious Layettes Bonnet.

The yarn is Disco 8 ply acrylic in pink - a lovely deep soft rose - and Red Heart TLC in Country Club - a gift from Susie in USA in return for a Precious Layettes #3202 pattern booklet! Love doing favours like this - we are both happy with our swap!!

Vanessa's baby girl is due in February - in Ohio where she lives it will be cold - with snow. I have several more sets to send her. I love this gal - she is like a third daughter to me - such a sweetie. Posted by Picasa

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