Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Grandma's Knitting

Grandma's Knitting

Well here I am again - October 25th - lots of new knitting done - and now I am laid up with a damaged knee!

16th October - a Sunday - was jusst leaving work after being called in to do a nice little 5 huors shift at the Deli - and it was pouring with very welcome and long awaited rain - and bang - slipped on the tiles outside the shopping centre's doors and down I went - onto my left knee!! Agony!!! Sitting in pouring rain crying with a lady holding an umbrella over me till help came. Now I am off work - only being paid an average of what I earned over the last month or so - and seeing myriads of specialists and being poked and prodded and stuck in mysterious tunnels for something called an MRI! While I was in there, I amused myself by mentally going through my stash of buttons and choosing which ones to go with my current Baby Surprise Sweater. Done in shades of lemon and grey - this is a record for knitting one of these little sweaters. I started in the car at 11 am on Monday and finished it at 3 am Tuesday morning. I would have knitted it in the tunnel but they wouldn't let me!! Steel needles!!

Pictures in about an hour's time!

Well dear diary - back to rest the leg again. And start another project.

My long awaited Red Heart Super Saver arrived at last today - been waiting nearly three months for it 36 skeins of variegated colours - they are not all here yet - but most are. Including postage they ended up costing me $4 per skein - but as they are twice the size of the skeins of acrylic here in Australia, it works out about the price I would usually pay!! And so much more superior. I am no yarn snob - I knit for charity for homeless and battered babies and children in cold old Melbourne - so acrylics are ideal for this purpose - no special washing requirements.

I also received some very bulky yarns I bought on ebay a while back too - burgundy, pink, pale blue and apricot, solids. Very nice useful stuff. Will make some lovely quick baby blankies.

What a week for ebay stuff - I also got the Pony needles I bid and won - these are not circular needles more like a circ cut in half; so useful and very kind to the wrists and hands. I give them my vote - excellent for flat knitting IMHO.

Buttons from dear Dave Rundell are on the way from Florida. I love his buttons . I sent him some pics of my work with his buttons sewn on. I hope he likes them.

Sopring is here - and the heat and humidity are already making me dread summer - going to be a very uncomfortable December and January I think.

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