Thursday, December 28, 2006

RAIN at last!!

Yippee - it started raining here on Christmas night and has been raining on and off nice and steadily ever since - it was the best Christmas present we could have wished for. My grandsonTom said Grace at lunch on Boxing Day - " Dear God in Heaven, thank you for the rain, thank you for the presents, and thank you for the lovely lunch" You can see he got his priorities right!! Let us hope that this keeps up for a few more weeks, and then the catchments will fill up a bit!!


  1. I could send you some rain... LOL
    What beautiful flowers you have! What is it?

  2. Glad you got your rain!!!!! I'm still waiting for my snow! WAHH! LOL! Your trees and grass look very lush indeed! Everything around New England is all brown and dead for now. Your red tree with the pretty blossoms is just beautiful!

  3. What lovely can't tell from how beautiful they are that you've been waiting for rain.
