Thursday, December 28, 2006

What I have knitted in the last week or so!

This lovely little cable sweater can be found on There is also a hooded jacket version and a gorgeous little helmet to match.

I used Panda Angoretta in white. I did adapt the pattern a bit - inside the diamonds was a moss stitch pattern - and it was so fiddly to do, so I kept all the background in reverse stocking stitch - and it looks better IMHO!!!

The little jacket is leftover skeins of
Red Heart S/Saver in Summer Breeze, and Caron Simply Soft in Pink and Cream. The little hand buttons I got from Dave Rundell (daverun on ebay)

This hat is a very simple pattern I got on the net

I used eyelash yarn and some left over 8 ply in Teal blue.

The knitting has slowed down somewhat over the pre-Christmas period - I am so glad to be back to normal - house is clean, and tidy. We had to take down the Christmas tree- well the cats knocked it over - so it was easier to put it all away rather than start again from scratch!!


  1. Aaaw... WOW!!! What an adorable Sweater! I had to add it to my To-Do list! LOL

    And of course, I love all your tiny jackets! :-)

    Best wishes for 2007!

  2. That hat is tooo cute!!!!! I love it! OOOH!!! And that white sweater is adorable! I bookmarked that pattern too but haven't even begun to think about it! I like the pattern modifications you chose, it looks perfect!

  3. Love the white sweater....your tree is down? I am so jealous. I want my house back, but we have one more Christmas to go on New Year's Day....the soonest my daughter and family could get here. The tree is getting tired.

  4. Anonymous1:05 pm

    Love the BSJ, and yes I have started my first one.
    They are all so pretty.
    Regards Marlene.

  5. Anonymous7:33 am

    love the cable sweater ....
