Friday, May 18, 2007

Adult Surprise Jacket

With the help of Marilyn on knitbabysurprise group, I am participating in a "knitalong" on the Adult Surprise Jacket.

I had been putting off making this because of the thought of the 'math" involved - what a baby I am!
It really is not difficult at all - once I made a swatch, and worked out the number of stitches to 10cm , then asked my daughter for the width of the most comfortable sweater she wears. The rest was easy! But without Marilyn's clear explanation to go along with Elizabeth Zimmermann's pattern instructions, I doubt if I would have braved it !

I am nearly at the part where I place stitches on a holder for the front neckline. I am making it in Cleckheaton Mousse, 60% wool, plus mohair, and viscose, which is very soft and light, but also warm.

The colours are lovely - sort of "brown-y heather-y" mixtures The stripes are fairly random and will, I hope, be quite muted when the jacket is finished.
I am now coming to the front part of the sweater, so will now start to make the stripes smaller, probably one garter ridge only in each colour. I am hoping my daughter likes the colour combinations, and/or the stripes - because I am planning on giving this to her for her birthday in June!!
In the picture below, the left hand edge is the cuff edge, on which I shall pick up and knit down to increase the length of the sleeve. The bottom cast on edge is actually the back neck edge!
If you stand on your head to view this, you will see what I mean LOL!

These two pictures explain just how this finished sweater will look. The stripes will be vertical at the front and horizontal across the back and the only seam will be the shoulder to cuff line. I may take my courage in both hands and use an applied i-cord for this - another first for me! Fortunately for me - I have lots of help and encouragement from knitters who have done this before on this wonderful group! I am thoroughly enjoying this knitalong!

It is amazing that a shapeless blob can suddenly start to become a recognizable garment! The construction is so ingenous - is it any wonder I have joined the ranks of the Zimmermaniacs???
I have knitted dozens of the Baby Surprise Sweater - so I guess the Adult version is not as daunting to me as it could have been!

I would therefore recommend that the Baby version should be tried first !!


  1. Nice job! Keep on knitting!

  2. I've made two of the baby suprise jackets with the help of notes from Dawn Adcock. Recently I received the EZ book with the adult suprise jacket, but have put off making it as Dawn doesn't have notes to help me along. Is it possible to get Marilyn's explanation that you mention? I really want to make the adult jacket for my grandaughter. Any help will be appreciated.

  3. WOW Yvette.. Look at your Sweater.. Its Beautiful!!!


  4. Anonymous11:36 pm

    I LOVE THIS ..... i wish i had time to make me one :( I would make me one in a heart beat!... love it ... it looks GREAT!!!!!!
    your so talented!!!!!!

  5. man are you knitting this FAST! Looks great!
    Since I happen to have the most fertile extended family lately, I was saving the tutorial for later. Went to go look it up..and it's gone...all gone!ULG. Don't you hate when that happens?
    Baby is in air right now, heading back to Boston...she was only home for a week..but it was great to see her. Miss that kid.'ve been tagged...see my blog for details.

  6. thanks for stopping by my Purls N Lace Blog Yvette , I will be in Aussie July 1st(Thats when I arrive, and I leave Aug 24th I would love to meet up with you if I can.
    I can't wait to get there, my Mum has already knitted me about 4 sweaters and Shrugs :) Plus a sweater for my son and she is working on another one for my son, she knits so fast :)

    I love the jacket you have made I would live in that it is so beautiful :)

  7. I've made the baby surprise jacket and want to attempt the adult jacket. The math scares me also. I have some alpaca wool that I would use but I'm afraid that it might be too stretchy.

    Your sweater is beautiful!

  8. Suzie I tried to answer you but cannot get on to Zimmermania ?? I thought I had joined but obviously not!!


  9. Hi Im SO interested in finding any help I can to finish my EZ Adult Surprise there a copy of Marilyn's Explanations?....Thank you SO MUCH..cindy

  10. Your adult surprise jacket is wonderful. I've made 2 baby ones but am afraid to tackle the adult version. Can you offer me any help to make EZ instructions easier
    Ann in Florida
