Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More Knitting

Since I last posted - still slogging away on the Adult Surprise Jacket - will make a concerted effort to finish it before June 26th (Simone's birthday)

Have made some more baby things which are all safely given to Karen of Knitting for Brisbane's Needy. Tried a new pattern which is free online. Pretty Baby Sweater.

This pic didn't come out too well - seeing as how I took the pic at night when I couldn't sleep! But it is a very pretty little sweater and absolutely seamless! I knit the sleeves on dpns and really enjoyed it - made a change!

Then I made another Rindy's Raglan in pale yellow Fleur. This time it came out toddler size. Wonderful how different yarn and needles change a sweater so much!

I think I should have done this on larger needles. Not as soft and cozy as I would have preferred. But someone will be warm in it !

I hadn't made one of my little Baby Surprise Jackets for a while - so as someone had given me two balls of the nicest tweedy yarn - have no idea what it was - no ball bands - but the two colours went together so well I couldn't resist it - as they were screaming at me to be made into a BSJ!! Don't believe yarn talks to you??? Ask any knitter!! This is so sweet for a little boy - and I had half a ball each left over so think it should be made into matching socks and a hat.

I was given a link to a Rasta Hat pattern on the DIY website - it was from an episode of Knitty Gritty. I made one that seemed Humungeous to me, on some yarn that had been wound, double stranded, into a ball and therefore was anonymous, in a beautiful dark sea green, so made a smaller one in 8 ply on 4mm needles. The second one was striped. So Donna, from Busy Knitting - here it is for you to see at last!

I couldn't resist it - had to try them on - so here's what they look like being worn - imagine dreadlocks and lots of hair!
and then type in Rasta Hat in the knitting search.
All in all, a pretty good effort for 18 days! On the needles: Adult Surprise, another Rindy's Raglan (love this little pattern) a little sweater for a newborn/preemie adapted from a Shepherd pattern #2010 which has a textured diamond pattern (nice for a change to do a lacy one), still slogging away on my friend's Christmas Red and Green afghan, and will probably cast on something else because I have just been inspired by a little jacket made by my friend Penny!!
I have been given some beautiful baby patterns by a friend in the UK - and I can't wait to get started on those!!!!!!
I will definitely have to live to be 200!!


  1. These are yummy delicious Yvette! I love the sweaters and the rasta's are awesome! Were they easy??? I like simple, easy patterns! Lovely!

  2. The baby jackets are gorgeous, as usual, and thanks heaps for the link to the Rasta Hat, I love them. I've also sent the link to my daughter.

  3. Hi!
    I was searching the internet for yarns and knitting patterns and happened to discover your "Knitting place". I just wanted to tell you that I really love the baby jackets you've knitted! As I became a first-time granny 4 weeks ago I also have started knitting baby outfits!
    Best regards from Tanja in Sweden

  4. Hi Tanja - thank you for your nice comment. If you would like to get in touch by email - write to me,

    I would have replied to you personally but you didn't leave an email address!!!


