Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A little Twist and Twirl set

Finished this little set last week in time to take up to Montville. I thought it was a pretty set to give them an idea of the type of thing I like to knit.

The committee of the Sunshine Coast Crafts wanted to see as much of my knitting as possible at their last meeting to decide it my work was good enough to sell in their lovely little craft shop! Although I shan't be selling this one it is already earmarked for my group, Knitting for Brisbane's Needy on Yahoo Groups!

The answer is yes!

Not only baby knits but adult knits too.

This is my dream come true!

Not only will I be selling my knitting but I get to work in the shop a minimum of one day a month (voluntary work of course) to help out. The shop sells everything crafty - sewing, wood turning, jewellery, pottery, the most gorgeous felted hats ( I nearly bought one on the spot) all by local artists.

I have until the first Monday in August to be accepted officially - so am using the time to stock pile as many little garments as I can.

In the meantime I am knitting like a maniac to get the blue wool yarn knitted into a sweater for Rick (daughter Simone's S.O.) I ripped out the whole back the day before yesterday - aaaaagh! because it was going to be at least half a size too big!

And horrors! Simone's beautiful ASJ is too small and I have to undo all the i-cord, and then rip back the sleeve cuffs and re knit them much longer, and then unpick back to before the buttonholes (yes, all the mitred bands and neckband) and re-knit it to make it a bit less "firm" - the silly girl measured a sweater like I asked her - but instead of the most loose fitting and comfortable one that I asked for, she measured a close fitting one - which of course affects the math considerably when you are making a button up jacket! *Sigh* I have just enough left over wool to do it too thank goodness.

The little set above is the Twist and Twirl Layette - took about 8 hours knitting to make both jacket and hat. I am finishing a diagonal baby blanket to match - and there will be sweet little sockies too.


  1. Once again, your knitting is beautiful. I have decided to knit that layette for my soon to arrive granddaughter. My D.I.L's friends are having a baby shower for her on the 29th, so I had better get knitting.

  2. Love the baby set definitely my next project.
    Congratulations on joining the craft shop. Mary

  3. Oh the baby set looks wonderful. I am sure that the shop you will be working in will be having lots of visitors to buy your knitted items. They looks so beautifully knitted.

  4. What a beautiful little baby set!

  5. Your Twist & Twirl Set is sooooooo Sweet.. Thats another one I haven't made yet But now its on MY LIST AGAIN!!!

    AND Rindys Sweaterfrom her pattern is adorable...

  6. Oh my gosh, this is beautiful little set, Yvette! :-)

    Isabelle aka Tricotine

  7. I made this little set for my granddaughter who was due on 13 August. Knitted them on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday I got a call to say mum was in labour. Bub was delivered at home (details on my blog) and wore the hat to go to the hospital in.

  8. Your knitting is beautiful. I love the twist sweater and thanks for the pattern. I will def. make it for my grandaughter. I hope I can make a size 4.

  9. I have to be honest Yvette! If I saw just this pattern, I wouldn't have thought it was anything I'd be interested in making. But......your version, with the colors.....well.....I just printed off the pattern! Looks gorgeous in your colors! Thanks for sharing the link!
