Sunday, August 05, 2007

Finished At Last!

Finished the sweater for Rick - and although I am pleased with the result, I can't say I am sorry to see the end of it!

The colour is actually a lot bluer than this photo shows it to be.

It also seems a lot bigger than I expected - and hey, I did swatch - and I did measure accurately! But then it is meant to be a generous fit. It has taken me longer than any man's sweater I have ever knitted before - by the time I finished it only half an hour ago I was heartily sick of it!

This is the second time I have made this sweater. If I never see this pattern again it will be too soon!

Back to baby sweaters for me!


  1. Looks great yvette! But honestly.....the baby sweaters are so much quicker, yes???? I do love the patterning on this!

  2. I decided to put in
    Knitting Grandma's
    and i found your web site.
    how nice it is.
    i would like to have one also. I will have to find someone to make a web site for me.
    i knit and, love it so much.

    Daisy Mae

  3. Hi Daisy Mae

    You didn't leave your email address so I couldn't answer you - if you would like to contact me on please do. Maybe I can help you get started on our own blog??


