Sunday, August 05, 2007

Mary Cairncross Park

Paid a visit to Mary Cairncross National Park the other day. It is years since we were last there - and we may never go again. What a shame they put a cafe and kiosk there. Now it is full of busloads of noisy people - and the haven of peace it once was is no more!

It used to be very quiet, and there were lots of birds and wildlife evident. But sadly, no more. The crowds of people obviously kept any self respecting native wildlife at a distance.

Apart from the ever greedy bush turkeys, wandering around near the picnic tables, not much native fauna was to be seen.
The views of the Glasshouse Mountains are still breathtaking - but the huge mansion being built in the valley, which can be seen in the picture above, means that the peace is gone from this once lovely area of the Sunshine coast Hinterland. Others will surely follow.
Progress??? I wonder.


  1. What a shame Yvette. We are going to Queensland in September and was looking forward to seeing all the birds. Are there any other place to see them?

  2. What a shame Yvette. We are going to Queensland in September and I was looking forward to seeing the birds. Are there any other places?

  3. Mary if you see this - I can't reply unless you leave an email address - sorry!

  4. Sorry Yvette,

  5. These turkeys are so funny looking!!! I have turkeys on my blog and they look nothing like these little characters! Your turkeys remind me of my chickens! lol!
