Saturday, December 27, 2008

Could you stand some more flower pics?

Peach Blossom - so delicate!

Look at this magnificent Candy Tuft!

Being Spring, of course there were masses of Azaleas ! Feast your eyes on these!

Then there were Day Lilies, and Hollyhocks.

And because of the drought there was a lot of effort made to use materials other than plants, to make flower displays
These magnificent blooms are made out of - Umbrellas!
Since the Carnival - we have had some very good falls of rain and the catchment areas are filling up. Maybe next year Toowoomba will have more parks able to be planted out. Can't wait to see it!


  1. Umbrella flowers - some people have great imaginations!

  2. Anonymous11:14 pm

    I love flowers those pictures are amazing!
