Saturday, December 27, 2008

Jumpers and Jazz in Warwick

July is the middle of our Aussie winter - and on the Darling Downs in Queensland it is very cold indeed. In Warwick just a few miles away from Toowoomba, they hold the annual Jumpers and Jazz Festival in July. Jumpers, for my American friends, just means pullovers, not a pinafore dress! The main street is decorated with knitting! Everywhere!

Trees, lamposts, even the balconies of historic Victorian buildings get the treatment!

There was even some crochet on display

A statue of one of the City Fathers got a beanie and scarf!

Here is - wait for it - a shoe tree!!!!!!

Not only is there jazz to go with this eye catching knitting display, but there was a country markets, the Warwick Spinners and Weavers had a display - I was so thrilled with this - I must try my hand at Spinning!

There was also a sculpting competition - marvellous entries all made from the local sandstone

I was particularly impressed with this sculpture of a miner!

I don't mind telling you - this was the coldest I have ever been since I left England! It was absolutely freezing.

1 comment:

  1. I have to add Warwick to my must-see list!
