Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm back!

I never realised when I came to live here in Toowoomba, that life would be so frantic! I can't believe it is three months since I posted to my blog! Here it is Boxing Day ( to American friends, that is the day after Christmas Day in Australia and England)

We had a blessed peaceful Christmas - both my son and daughter were able to be with us at the same time - I am so happy I could bust! My daughter's partner Rick has never met my son James before - and they just got on like a house on fire - wonderful to see. We laughed all day - mainly at James' wonderful telling of things that happened when he was a kid - things I was hearing for the first time I might add! My dear stepson and daughter in law and grandchild could not be with us - they had arrangements with friends in Sydney - but maybe next year! But we all spoke to them on the phone in turn so it was altogether a real family day.

I made some big Christmas stockings to go on our fireplace. Being mid summer, we had no fire in the grate but I lighted candles which gave it that festive feel. We shall have them forever and I was quite pleased with them - I sewed them on my Janome and used embroidery stitches to sew on the ribbons - the stockings were just red felt with red gingham backings - purely for show of course. I did lots of appliques on them using the sewing machine too - an Angel, a Santa, a Star, and a big green Gift package. The clown picture is needlepoint - I made it about 23 years ago - it took me three years to make in fits and starts - it badly needs cleaning - does anyone have any ideas? I am reluctant to have it dry cleaned - they do not take enough care of it. I have soap wort growing in my garden which is the traditional medieval herb used for washing tapestries - wonder how it would work?

On the tree are some beautiful Crocheted ornaments made by my dear friend Maria in NC. The spun glass silver ornaments are all I could find of my total collection of spun glass ornaments. Somhow during the move we lost all our lights and all my clear glass with gold trim ornaments! We searched and searched but they seem to be lost forever! Boo hoo! Never mind I shall get more for next year - and have been given some wonderful patterns for more crocheted ones!
I hope all of you wherever you live, had a wonderful Christmas - and if you do not celebrate Christmas, then I wish you much love and happiness for whatever festival you do celebrate. May your New Year be prosperous and full of good fortune.

1 comment:

  1. glad to have you back !
    have a good New Year sweety
