Friday, December 26, 2008

Toowoomba Festival of Flowers (Spring Carnival)

Ok - because I was so slack - here are the promised photos of all the beautiful flowers on display in the Queens Park Toowoomba, way back in September during the Spring Carnival!

In this year of extreme drought, only three parks were planted with these wonderful flowers - instead of the normal 15 - and all water used to grow them was transported in special water carts, using only bore water - water from artesian wells, not water from the town water supply.
Many of the private gardens normally on show during this Carnival were much smaller and less elaborate, and used a lot of native plants, and many waterwise plants this year.

We are lucky enough to live within five minutes walking distance of Queens Park - so it was a daily walk for us!

This wonderful old stage coach from the days of Cobb and Co Coaching ( modelled on the American Wells Fargo company) still is used to take tourists around the many parks and gardens in display.

There are more to come! Do you think you can stand it?


  1. Very pretty - thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous11:19 pm

    I REALLY love your Photography skills lol.... what kind of camera are you useing? Hubby got me a NEW camera for christmas not sure it i like it...

  3. I am Greatly inspired your photography. Awesome photos of all the beautiful flowers on display in the Queens Park Toowoomba, way back in September during the Spring Carnival.
