This is a Pee Wee's nest -
the babies are quite advanced. This nest is made of mud and dried grass. Its proper name is "Pied Mudlark"
This little nest belongs to the Willy Wagtail or "Pied

The nest is made of Spider Web and lined with soft leaves. It is the size of a small teacup and has four babies in it!!
Sadly there is a tragic end to this story - the very next day when Karen and Peter visited the tree, the Willy Wagtail's nest, babies and all , was gone!! The culprits proved be to be some Crows. The parent

Love the Kangaroos, Yvette!
Looks so nice there. I'd love to have a Kangaroo and her baby in my back yard( not much room, but they are welcome)!
Thanks for posting pictures for us over here to enjoy!
( whatcha been knittin??)
Lisa from Across the pond and up around the bend
same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago with the baby yellow faced honeyeaters in a nest on the verandah. Probably magpies!
Aaawww... Aren't they cute?
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